
The Institute Research Support Cell, IISER Berhampur constituted to procure, manage, and distribute research software licenses to all concerned.

Name Description

EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays, reports and articlesThere are several ways to add a reference to a library: manually, or by exporting, importing, copying from another EndNote library, or connecting from EndNote.

Writefull has been developed by a team of PhDs in AI and Linguistics. Its language feedback is more comprehensive and accurate than that of other tools, is tailored to research writing, and can be used in Word, Overleaf, and the browser. Writefull offers not only language feedback, but a set of widgets to help you write, including a database of academic texts (Language Search) a collection of example sentences (Sentence Palette), and an automated Paraphraser and Title Generator.

Chemoffice is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite of personal productivity tools that enables scientists and researchers to capture, store, retrieve, analyze and share data and information on compounds, reactions, materials and their properties. ChemOffice Professional includes all the features and functionality in ChemDraw Professional plus Chem3D with 3rd party interfaces and ChemFinder Ultra.

Mnova is a multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC/MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques. The new version Mnova 14 is a major release incorporating many new features in most plugins. We have integrated three new products Mnova ElViS, BioHOS and StereoFitter and fixed several bugs.

GraphPad Prism
Graphpad Prism is specifically formatted for the analyses you want to run, including analysis of quantitative and categorical data. This makes it easier to enter data correctly, choose suitable analyses, and create stunning graphs. Avoid statistical jargon. In clear language, Prism presents an extensive library of analyses from common to highly specific— t tests, one-, two- and three-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, dose-response curves, binary logistic regression, survival analysis, principal component analysis, and much more.

Wolfram Mathematica is a software system with built-in libraries for several areas of technical computing that allow machine learning, statistics, symbolic computation, manipulating matrices, plotting functions and various types of data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other programming languages.

Statistica is a suite of analytics software products and solutions originally developed by StatSoft and acquired by Dell in March 2014. The software includes an array of data analysis, data management, data visualization, and data mining procedures; as well as a variety of predictive modeling, clustering, classification, and exploratory techniques.[2] Additional techniques are available through integration with the free, open source R programming environment.[3][4] Different packages of analytical techniques are available in six product lines.

Sigma Plot
SigmaPlot is a proprietary software package for scientific graphing and data analysis. It runs on Microsoft Windows.The software can read multiple formats, such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and can also perform mathematical transforms and statistical analyses. With the new Graph Properties user interface you can select the property category in the tree on the left and then change properties on the right.

Origin Pro 2021
Origin Pro is the data analysis and graphing software of choice for over half a million scientists and engineers in commercial industries, academia, and government laboratories worldwide. Origin offers an easy-to-use interface for beginners, combined with the ability to perform advanced customization as you become more familiar with the application OriginPro offers advanced analysis tools and Apps for Peak Fitting, Surface Fitting, Statistics and Signal Processing. Features specific to OriginPro are marked with the PRO icon in this page.

Citavi is a program for reference management and knowledge organization for Microsoft Windows published by Swiss Academic Software in Wädenswil, Switzerland. Citavi is very widely used in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland,[1] with site licenses at most universities,[2] many of which offer training sessions and settings files for Citavi. Citavi can be used in a virtual machine on Linux or OS X.[5] Swiss Academic Software discontinued development for an OS X native application in 2011.

MATLAB (an abbreviation of "MATrix LABoratory") is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.languages.Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numeric computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic computing abilities.

SnapGene provides the easiest and most secure way to plan,visualize, and document your everyday molecular biology procedures. That’s why scientists at leading institutions and companies around the globe depend on SnapGene every day. SnapGene is so easy to use that my lab adopted it instantly. It saves a lot of time and money as we now do all our cloning in SnapGene first and catch any snags in the strategy before they hold us up.

Paperpile is a web-based commercial reference management software, with special emphasis on integration with Google Docs and Google Scholar. Parts of Paperpile are implemented as a Google Chrome browser extension. The goal of Paperpile is to radically simplify the workflow of collecting, managing and writing papers. At every step, Paperpile aims to provide a 'just works' solution that eliminates any unnecessary complexity.

Adobe pioneered the paper-to-digital transformation with the invention of PDF. People can scan, edit, share, and sign documents anytime, anywhere. Today, Adobe is revolutionizing the way people and businesses communicate, collaborate, and get work done. We provide people of all ages and backgrounds with grants, product access and educational opportunities so they can tell their stories, express themselves and build great careers.

Overleaf is a startup and social enterprise that builds modern collaborative authoring tools for scientists — like Google Docs for Science. Our primary product is an online, real time collaborative editor for papers, theses, technical reports and other documents written in the LaTeX markup language. Overleaf is also making the journal submission process smoother for LaTeX users across many academic publishers


Sri Arun F. Adrakatti
Assistant Librarian , RSC Coordinator arun[AT]iiserbpr.ac.in
Phone:- +91 680-2227738

Sri Korada Manjunath
Assistant Registrar , RSC Member kmn[AT]iiserbpr.ac.in
Phone:- +91 680 2227 707

Sri Dharmendra Kumar Sahoo,
Assistant Registrar , RSC Member dksahoo[AT]iiserbpr.ac.in
Phone:- +91 680 2227 728

Dr. Prabhat Singh
Scientific Officer , RSC Member prabhats[AT]iiserbpr.ac.in

Dr. Balaram Mohapatra
Scientific Officer , RSC Member balaramm@iiserbpr.ac.in
Phone:- +91 680 2227 740

Dr. Abhishek Rai
Scientific Officer , RSC Member arai[AT]iiserbpr.ac.in

Dr. Nagabandi Jayababu
Scientific Officer , RSC Member njayababu[at]iiserbpr.ac.in

Mrs. Sai Sangeeta Nayak
Library Information Assiatant, RSC Member
Phone:- +91 680 2227 795

Contact Us

For requisitions and queries, write us at rsc[at]iiserbpr.ac.in